Package org.cryptonode.jncryptor

Interface Summary
JNCryptor A JNCryptor encrypts and decrypts data in a proprietary format originally devised by Rob Napier.

Class Summary
AES256JNCryptor This JNCryptor instance produces data in version 3 format.
AES256JNCryptorInputStream Reads RNCryptor-format data in a stream fashion.
AES256JNCryptorOutputStream Writes RNCryptor-format (version 3) data in a stream fashion.
PasswordKey Stores a secret key alongside the salt that was used during the key derivation.

Exception Summary
CryptorException An exception thrown when an error occurs encrypting or decrypting.
InvalidHMACException An InvalidHMACException is thrown when the HMAC value is incorrect, indicating that the data is corrupted.
StreamIntegrityException Thrown when a stream fails HMAC validation.

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